Friday, 23 February 2018


Water availability (or the lack thereof - see Hazards) is one thing, but water quality is also important. Where necessary I will use the following purification methods:

  • Drink tea - Or in other words boil the water. This also has intrinsic benefits, amongst which slowing you down is high on the list.
  • Tablets - I have some dubiously aged Micropur tablets and some dubiously tasting regular Puritabs. The advantage of these being that there is negligible weight involved. The former are certainly past the “best before” date and the latter taste like a used public swimming pool. Still both may be better than nothing in a pinch
  • Sawyer filter - this is a new addition. It is very light and I am unlikely to get through the 400,000 litres that it can apparently process. In other words its lifetime is certainly longer than mine (especially if it doesn’t work as advertised!)
Aside from the large number (124 or so) of points I have already marked as water sources, there are also Mosques, which always have water. Failing that ask at a house.

Shepherds may also know of water sources if you find yourself far from habitation and running low. Running low is definitely a situation to avoid at all costs. At the end of the hike I will update all this and in particular detail any significant gaps between water points.

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